Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photoshop Studies :D

These first two studies have a mostly heavy reliance on brushes to create the image. Slight adjustments in opacity levels between the layers were made also to create the images. The first one is one of my favorites; i think perhaps because of the whimsical-darkness of it. 

The third one here, sucks in my opinion compared to the rest. Mostly just experimenting with selecting areas, and moving them, or throwing a filter onto the selected areas. Also added a little drop shadow to the ducks. 

This fourth one has a more recognizable color scheme to it, in my opinion. Also playing around more with the text, and I downloaded some more brushes to work with. 

The last one here, also has a more recognizable color scheme. More brushes were added and used here, and I played around more with using layers and fiddling with the opacity to create a "ghost" image. I also used layers, and opacity variance to mix two colors and create different shades or tones with the colors. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

T'was the first day...

...And all through the lab, clicking upon clicking could be heard all around...

Meh. I like the class as it stands. I hope to gain a better understanding of how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and more of the Adobe CS5. I know a lot of the basic controls; however, today got really annoying. Trying to manipulate an image and it doing something completely opposite…really, really annoying. I wish we had drawing tablets. That would make things (for me) a lot less frustrating. I'm used to using a tablet, the mouse gets annoying. I'm also more used to knowing shortcut keys, and Photoshop needs more shortcut keys.

The title for my blog, has nothing to do with my mood about/toward the class it is intended. Instead it draws inspiration from the phrase "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" turn something menial, into something great, and lemonade rocks. However, without a little water, and sugar you mostly just have lemon juice, and some seeds. In respect to this class, my lemonade sucks, for all i have is lemons. The water (our professor), and sugar (classmates & critiques) shall add to my lemons to make some -hopefully- tasty lemonade (a.k.a. improved abilities with Photoshop & Illustrator).

That is my reasoning behind my blog title, take it or leave it…I've got lemons.