Monday, November 29, 2010

Hot damn.

Theres about 2 weeks of school left. Shyyyt. I might die otherwise. Anyways.
For my personal brochure project in InDesign, i want to do 3 spreads that all go together as one, yet stand alone by themselves. Something like an advertisement or poster or something.
Maybe taking something that already stands, and reconfiguring it for what i want to do.

Like a contest poster?

Maybe This one? I dont know.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Adobe InDesign (part uno)

We were to take a magazine spread, and recreate it using InDesign CS5. We used placeholder text for the text. I feel like i matched it pretty damn well.

This --^ is the original, i did the left half. :D

And then we did this shit…and i died.

Just in case no one noticed, im on a Tron kick. I'm so god damned ready for the new Tron Legacy to come out. I watched the first Tron from 1982, which also happened to be produced by Disney. 
In order of assignment: The exterior; the interior; and the LiveTrace. 


Monday, November 15, 2010

And then this happened in Ai.

We learned about using liveTrace and livePaint in illustrator today. Pretty cool shit. And now we know; and knowing is half the battle. Also, the perspective tool came in somewhere. I'm not really sure at this point being that I don't really remember most of class since I haven't had much sleep.

  This was done using the perspective tool. And Steve Jobs was posted up on that billboard using liveTrace and the perspective tool.

And this is just Jobs as done up in a yellow-red spectrum using livePaint.

This beauty was done using the perspective tool to grid out the perspective of building in a picture. Then the building faces were overlayed with colored rectangles and the perspective tool to recreated the building shape.

This is the before building.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh mah gawwwdddd.

Hokay, so either this i right, or this is wrong. idfk. this is what I have. Derp.

So first up, is my name. Yeah, smoke and gradients. I added a map as an overlay for the background. Hells yeah.

This is my first go for the home town. Buuut i didnt entirely like it. SOOOOO…
I made another, but I added a Gulf Coast Waterways Map to the background as an overlay.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

For the love of Critique; and the sake of Sanity.

So I felt this was necessary after the last couple of days i've had; A few reasons why we, as artists and critics, should speak up and speak our minds in class/group critiques: (they are in no particular order)

Un.) Giving honest opinions is always better than just saying "I like it;" It gives the artist something to run with. Something to use.

Deux.) More talking = less boredom. It allows each other to engage in idea brainstorming and further allowing improvement.

Trois.) It keeps the teacher/critique leader from constantly asking for opinons and verbal engagement repeatedly.

Quatre.) It allows for a healthy dose of debate; whether between the artist and a viewer, or between two viewers with differing views. (Personally, I find debate enjoyable)

Cinq.) Say something. Point blank. Talking about the artists work can make the artist feel like all of their work wasn't for nothing. (I find this to be one of the better reasons to speak up; theres nothing i hate more than staying up super hella late,  just for people to be all silent and shit.)

Six.) No feedback is worse than negative feedback. Saying you don't like something, or were expecting something different, is far better than biting your tongue.

Sept.) For the sake of debating, please be honest about what you see. We don't have to absolutely love everything we see, but for the sake of criticism, if you hate it say it. (maybe in a more constructive way, with some adjectives, a few verbs, and maybe even some conjunctions.)

When we open our mouths, we perpetuate a moment of criticism and influence. Without this we can be left questioning and confused, lost and overwhelmed. We don't have to absolutely love everything we see, and we don't have to enjoy it either. As individuals we are entitled to our own opinions, whether people like them or not.

Monday, November 8, 2010

3D Extrude and Bevel.

 This is the one that we did in class. But i didnt like the flowers. Sooooo....I decided to use smoke. They both look equally cool to me. But I prefer smoke to flowers for more badass-ery.

And this is the one we did in class for our home towns…yeah, its sub-par…

Aaaaaaaaaand here some illustrator-photoshop combos…

And these are the illustrator-photoshop combo pieces. these are ehhh. But then again, im half awake. 

Derp. Heres some more illustrator shit. :|

Honestly i felt like many of my others from last week were more stand-alone design worthy than these, but its whatever. Derp derp. Here they are.