Monday, December 13, 2010

The edge can be seen through the fog...

The end of the semester is upon us. As in, its here. now. Looking back, it was a pretty good semester. I feel like i learned a lot in this class. And all of my classes. All in all, I'd say it was a good semester. I have an improved knowledge of how to use Photoshop, and an even better knowledge of how to use Illustrator and InDesign. My pieces definitely fluctuated in degree of quality. The worst ones were probably the ones i spent the least amount of time on; or the ones i waited to the last minute to do. Because for some reason when it comes down to the last minute, it takes longer? and things get rushed. and things turn out like shit.

But again, I feel like most of my pieces were pretty strong. I really love my Julian Assange poster. and will probably have more printed later. :D As for now, this is farewell. Have a good Christmas everybody! I plan  to continue using this blog for artwork and such, as well as my other blog for other news/happenings/shit. Farewell, Happy Holidays and God Bless.

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