Sunday, December 5, 2010

Houston, we have LANDED.

Good god. I think this is the hardest i've worked for a project in this class. and by hardest, i definitely mean spent the most time on. i think all in all ive worked 30 hours on this project.


  1. The pacman one is awesome!!! I like the layout a lot! The placement and colors all work really well!

  2. the top page of dorthys is my favorite of hers, the contents page looks a little haphazard.
    I love the pacman too, looks like you spent a lot of time on those.

  3. Well, you spent the most time on these and they are definitely the best you have made this semester.

    These are nice, good job. Next time, I just would like to see you actually create these Pacman images...just to see you do it.
