Monday, September 20, 2010

Muahahahaha…more Glourious treasures!

These are just amusing. Not so much loaded with negativity, just humorous vandalism. Very amusing really.

The first one here, shows Abe Lincoln on the previous version of the 5 but as a super hero? or a luchador.

The second one, is of Abe Lincoln on the current version of the 5 but as an american football star? or maybe a wrestler? Football seems more fitting, since americans are heavily obsessed with it.

EDIT: The first one is Racer X Lincoln from Speed Racer, and the second one is TRON Lincoln.

I apologize for my mis-identifications. I'll try harder next time.


  1. Oh Com on now jaush! I'm disappointed in you on both tries.

    The First is totally racer x from speed racer (spoiler: its his brother)

    And the Second is totally Tron Lincoln.

  2. Thank you sir! Mistakes have been assessed, and corrections have been made. :D
