Monday, September 20, 2010

Thoughts about Currency

While doing some research for this currency project, I came across an article about the Dollar ReDe$ign project/competition. In the article there were a couple of key points that have encompassed my thoughts and ideas for this project. The first being the idea that the Bills should be different sizes; (i.e. the $1 being the shortest and the $100 being the longest) This done to help the visually impaired differentiate between the different bill denominations. Dowling | Duncan use this with their submission for the Dollar ReDe$ign project. The other point is texture. Giving the different denominations a distinct texture or embossing would help differentiate the different bills. The last point that sticks out to me, is color. A varying color among the bills will A) help differentiate between different denominations,  B) make them less dull looking, and C) put America's currency in the same "playing field" as the rest of the worlds currencies. America is the ONLY country with that dingy green color for their banknotes.

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